Have a Sweet Christmas!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Gingerbread Decorating Party
Chocolate fountain fun!
April and I had a wonderful time planning our gingerbread decorating party. It gave us an opportunity to get together and facilitated a time to for enjoy with our kids and then with our friends to decorate.
After all the boys are long gone my little momma stays working and creating her masterpiece. Granted she was also doing a lot of nibbling too but we had fun finishing off our projects together.
Chirstmas, Science, & Work?
What does Christmas, science, & work have in common? This year it was our office decorating theme at America II Electronics.
Every year where I work every department picks a theme and decorates for Christmas. A local children's program comes and enjoys a company sponsored party and we try to make our themes enjoyable for the kids. Our families get to come a couple of days after and enjoy the fruit of our labor also.
It is very competitive, every office tries to out do everyone else and the company awards the top 3 offices. First place get to go have dinner at a restaurant, second & third get lunch brought in for the entire office.
All that said this year I suggested we do a science theme for our office. I got the idea on one of our visits to MOSI. I researched easy experiments we could do with household items and what they teach. Before I tried them at the office I needed to experiment at home and make sure they worked. So my kids got to learn science with dad, not to mention dad learned a thing or two himself. It was great fun and all the kids loved it because I made sure to get plenty of supplies to allow for the kids to do it themselves, at home and at work.
Well, it was a hit, we placed third for the first time. We came in after a theatrical performance of Madagascar saves Christmas (1st), & another office that set up Rock Band on a projection unit with a stage and real band style speakers and equipment (2nd).
We all had a blast, and I know even if we forget how all that stuff works we we always remember having fun making stuff explode and soda cans implode....cool.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Box- A new family tradition.
We had a tons of fun at the craft stores in early December. Un beknownst to the kids I was shopping for our new family tradition Our Christmas Box. I originally wanted to have a daily activity but it was not practical for the busyness of the season. So we did it a few times through out the month. The idea is to have a beautifully decorated box with a family fun activity in it. See below for what we did. I hope it inspires you.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Another Teenager in the House!
We had a party to honor Seth at a park. The band of merry kids played war games in the woods. The parents had a great time too. The Stillman's provide much entertainment. They make a great stand up team. Dad grilled hot dogs and we had some great cake. I purchased a yellow cake with whipped topping at Publix. Seth love's strawberries but you have to special order that. So I bought a bottle of squeezable Smucker's strawberry jam to spread on top of the servings. It was crazy scrumptious! Just like strawberry shortcake! Try it.
Christmas Cards Galore!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What a fun week!
We've had a fun week together. I've had a couple of parties to attend. With all that going on we haven't had time yet to bake together. However I didn't let that stop me. I bought a bundt cake and had the kids decorate with Christmas sprinkles. I'm still in decorating mode and got carried away with our kitten Zelda. Zachary blessed us with reading our Jotham's Journey chapter. What an amazing reader he's becoming. Our big dog Friday is no longer with us. We found the owner and her name is Linda. She's lives about five houses down from us. she's actually escaped twice from her owner to come for a visit. The owner is an older Cuban man. We look forward to getting to know him since Friday, I mean Linda has bought us together. We miss her! Notice how the bottom of our tree has no ornaments on it. Zelda is having a field day with the tree. Looking forward to catching her in the tree for a great picture. Right now my girlfriend, Theresa, is thinking, "You have lost your mind letting the kitten in the tree!!!" But, then she'll remember that my house is loud with kids running through it all the time. She'll shake her head with a sigh and still love me. I love you Tree!
I seem to be coming down with a cold right in time for a cold front. I'm off with the kids to Alf's office family party.
Feliz Navidad!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Unit Studies and Family Fun
Below find links to Christmas family friendly sites that I have been compiling for a few years. You'll need a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer and plenty of paper for your printer. some I have used and some I haven't but, if you've received recommended sites from me before these fall along the same lines;
F4: Faith, Family, Friends and Fellowship.
I hope you are able to use some of these links to make you holiday season more memorable.
Merry Christmas,
Stop by the G-Force Academy Christmas Shoppe, where you'll find lots of great resources for your family's holiday traditions. Everything from dvd's, cd's, family read alouds, advent books, and more. Happy Shopping!
http://happyhomeschool.familyclassroom.net/Archives/Holidays/JesusName.shtml (names of Jesus unit study)
http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjhol/a/advent125.htm (what is advent and 25 days of family fun countdown)
http://happyhomeschool.familyclassroom.net/Archives/Holidays/ChristianMen.shtml (Christmas songs unit study)
http://happyhomeschool.familyclassroom.net/Archives/Holidays/Christmas.shtml (symbols of Christmas unit study)
http://www.homeschooled-kids.com/advent.html (family advent/Christmas countdowns, daily family reading, activity/recipe)
FREE Countdown to Christmas
Interactive Game – 25 surprises in all!
Build up the excitement of the holiday season with this unique and engaging way to countdown to Christmas Day! Our free holiday gift to you, Countdown to Christmas, is an interactive game packed with 25 merry surprises – one to open each day for 25 days - STARTING ON DECEMBER 1st! Kids of all ages will eagerly anticipate their daily visit to Santa’s Village to see what special fun awaits them. All 25 free games are yours to keep and play over and over again!
Click Here: http://store.kidthing.com/detail/?ID=MTI3Mw%3d%3d&gclid=CP320sTolZcCFQIMswodnRbA-w
http://www.homeschoolshare.com/Twelve_Days_of_Christmas.php (12 days of Christmas Lapbook)
http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjhol/a/fundaysdec.htm (Crafts)
http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjhol/a/fundaysdec.htm (lots of fun stuff)
http://www.gingerbread-house-heaven.com/index.html Gingerbread Heaven, lots of inspiration and pictures
http://jesse-trees.com/index.html (jesse tree)
http://www.shalfleet.net/advent/makeajessetree.htm jesse tree
http://www.kingofpeace.org/advent/advent.htm all about advent
http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=23 Great site all about the true santa, Saint Nicholas
http://www.eriercd.org/jessetree.htm jesse tree
Some of the following books and booklets may give you additional ideas for using the Jesse Tree, both in congregational and home worship. Also you'll find in the G-Force Academy Shoppe at http://astore.amazon.com/gforaca-20 lots of CHRISTMAS books, DVD'S, ORNAMENTS, cd's, and craft kits to add to your family's holiday traditions.
Happy Shopping!
The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Dean Meador Lambert. Nashville: Abingdon, 1988.
The Bethlehem Tree: A Family Advent Resource Book. Mary Louise Tietjen. New York: Paulist Press, 1976.
A beginner's book of readings, activities, and crafts for young children. The symbols of the Bethlehem tree are taken directly from the Christmas story and are simpler than those of the Jesse Tree.
Jesse Tree Devotions by Marilyn S. Breckenridge. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1985.
Four weeks of daily family devotions for Advent. Includes a large fold-out Jesse Tree with cutouts for children to hang on the tree.
The Jesse Tree: A Cutout Book. Mar-lene Konrady. Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1981.
Twenty symbols on thick poster paper, ready for coloring and hanging on a Jesse Tree, or to be used as patterns for fabric ornaments. Each symbol is described as it relates to different Scripture references.
The Jesse Tree: Stories and Symbols of Advent Raymond and Georgene Anderson. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966.
Twenty-nine family devotions for every day from the first Sunday of Advent until Christmas Day The devotions include Scripture readings, a short commentary, and a prayer, and are accompanied by beautiful four-color artwork based on the Scripture readings.
Wait in Joyful Hope: Traditions, Celebrations, and Activities for Advent and Christmas. Mary V Reilly, Margaret K. Wetterer, and Nancy K. Lyons. Wilton, Connecticut: Morehouse-Barlow, 1980.
visit me on the web @ http://gforceacademy.wordpress.com
Christmas Desktop
This is currently my desktop. I love it! It reminds me of our chilly visits last winter to Disney while we had our seasonal passes. Here is the link to this cute freebie from the Shabby Princess http://shabbyprincess.typepad.com/shabby_princess/.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Let the Decorating Begin!
Adding the ornaments and setting up the nativity is the highlight for all of us. the kids each have their own orn ament from their first Christmas. Each year they hang theirs as Alf and I hang our first Christmas ornament together too. When we ran out hooks we stopped and ended the evening to our first reading of Jothams Journey. We read it 4 years ago. It is one of our family favorite and forever traditions. What a wonderful way to end the day and weekend. All cuddled up in cozy jammies.
The irresitible temptation of a helpless man trapped under a tree proved to be too much for the kids to resist.
How cute, playing with the manger scene.
Family read aloud time!
Visit The G-Force Academy Shoppe for Jotham's Journey and more great stuff to help you have a Homespun Christmas.
Wii Party
We have two birthdays to celebrate every year the week of Thanksgiving. This was a pivotal year for my two oldest turned 13 and 15. Two teenagers in the house, Yikes! They are great kids. Their grandparents gave them a Wii for their birthday so we hosted a impromptu Wii party. The kids had a great time. they played Wii, ate hot dogs n stuff and even took a Wii break for a game of freeze tag. I love the crazy noise of kids running amuck haveing fun. Tomorrow we kick-off our Christmas decorating,. Woohoo!
Thanksgiving fun
My dear friend and neighbor hosted a Thanksgiving craft party for our kids. They had a great time and we are blessed to have them in our lives. This was the kick-off to our holiday season and it set a great tone for lots of family fun and fellowship with friends. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday.